Daily Bread

Friday, March 9, 2007

MyCard or MyKad?

IS MyCard a Bahasa Malaysia or English acronym? What is its full meaning? – Student, Penang

The term is “MyKad”, not “MyCard”. Below is the full meaning of the term according to the National Registration Department website:
The word “My” spelled “M”, “Y” signifies Malaysia’s internet address whilst the word “Kad” is the acronym of “Kad Akuan Diri” or translated as “Personal Identification Card” as well as “Kad Aplikasi Digital” (Digital Application Card) and also means “card”.
Of course, “kad” is the BM word for “card” and “my” also means “belonging to me”. So one can have a bilingual pun from the word “MyKad” to mean “my personal identification card/digital application card”!

taken from: http://thestar.com.my/english/story.asp?file=/2007/3/8/lifefocus/16982908&sec=lifefocus


Schumico said...

Ei..not bad wor..now we know why its called myKAD
HOWEVER, how do we explain MyKID
the one on baby's IC? Doesn't tally with My KAD original intepretation!! :@

Jazlie said...

I got an answer for you! I'm surprised to see this in Wiki.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MyKad

"... From March 2003, a variant issuable to newborn babies was introduced, known as MyKid ... Kid is an English slang for child and also stands for Kad Identiti Diri, which means Personal Identity Card."

Schumico said...

ei..smart wor..Malaysia boleh..! very min keong.!